Catherine Marriott

Mega Miles Challenge

My Activity Tracking


My target 130 mi

Please support me!

I’m taking on the Mega Miles Challenge in support of the Charity for Civil Servants.

The Charity for Civil Servants supports current, former and retired civil servants when they face tough times.  From mental health struggles and financial assistance to relationship issues, getting through grief, and coping with disability, they’re here to help people stay strong, whatever life brings.

They’ve been there for civil servants for over 137 years, providing an umbrella of support when it’s needed most and so I'm fundraising to make sure they can be there for future generations too.

My Achievements

Uploaded a profile picture

Shared your fundraising page

Made a self-donation

Reached 50% of your distance target

You're a MEGA walker

Reached 50% of fundraising target

Reached 90% of fundraising target

You're a MEGA fundraiser

My Updates

So Mega Miles is finished now...

Saturday 1st Jun
Am 522nd in the Leaderboard, in the top 24% of participants.
115% of target miles.
Technically did 149.99 miles but the charity has rounded me up to 150.
As on holiday, no so much walking with Mum, so I had the potential to do more. 
I went over target on only 18 days, i was scuppered by a few bad days, and this week.


Wednesday 29th May
..but i think that is because my miles haven't updated fully.
Am in the top 24% of walkers and have done 109% of target.  Pic is of a beautiful lady Barbary ape.


Tuesday 28th May
Am in the top 15% of participants, which I'm pleased with as cannot walk much at present and fell off the radar over the weekend. Am at 107% of target yippee, so really pleased.


Friday 24th May
Am in the top 16% now and in 97% of target.
Unfortunately very little walking today, had hoped to do a long one, but was not to be.


Wednesday 22nd May
Under target yesterday due to the rain. And today just feeling awful, and the rain, so for the first time in weeks, have driven to work, so will be well under today unless I can walk the dog this evening and got a mile or two. 😫
Am at 91% of target. Hopefully can get above target tomorrow. 
Am 289th and in the top 14%, that will take a battering though today.


Tuesday 21st May
I'm in the top 13% of participants.
As of this morning I'm at 88% of my target, which means I have 15 miles to walk by Sunday, as that is when i need to get there by, as there will not be much walking next week.


Friday 17th May
As of today, I'm at 72% of my target.
Am in the top 13% of walkers (how??).


Wednesday 15th May
As of this morning I am 64% of my target. 


Tuesday 14th May
The stats: as of this morning I am at 57% of my overall target, not too bad as I want to hit the target by before the Bank Holiday, or at least by very close. 
I'm in the top of 19% of participants as of yesterday, which is quite good for me at this stage. It was a struggle to get the miles in yesterday, technically, whilst I got the km, I was short of the 5 miles.
Pic is of some fly tipping I have reported to the council.


Friday 10th May
In top 16% of people now and 43% of target including this morning.


Thursday 9th May
Leaderboard is fluctuating a lot, and I'm now in the top 22%. 


Wednesday 8th May
Am falling down the leaderboard, in the top 31% now, so a big drop, people must have logged a lot of miles over the long weekend.
But am a quarter of the way through and as of lunch time 35% to target, so that is better.


Tuesday 7th May
Currently in position 237th based on 30 miles up to and including the 5th May. This amazingly puts me in the top 19% of participants, but early days. 
Yesterday was too wet but Gwen and i walked anyway. However her leather collar took a soaking and she now needs a new one...


Sunday 5th May
Long walk through Lloyd Park, Coombe Woods , Croham Valley. 

My feet hurt

Friday 3rd May
It's raining....

Stepping up

Tuesday 16th Apr
Am easing my way in by making sure I'm walking more this April. 
Only will drive into work once a week and more dog walking needed.

Thank you to my Sponsors




Danny Holder

Excellent work so far! Keep it up!


Maria Rowe

Good luck and well done


Astrid And Martin

Well done Catherine love Astrid and Martin xxx


Carrie Anderson

Keep walking!!


Natasha Marriott