We'd love your help promoting the Mega Miles Challenge
Here’s everything you need to become a Mega Promoter. We have screensavers, email templates, social media assets and more. Share them with colleagues and networks and encourage them to sign up to the Mega Miles Challenge.
Download all the resources you'll need to make noise about the Mega Miles Challenge.
share, share and share some more
Use the downloads to tell everyone - your colleagues, friends, followers, in fact, anyone that will listen!
Sign up
Why not encourage your colleagues and friends to sign up with you - it's quick, easy and free!
Thank You!
Thanks again for helping to spread the word and if you want to get involved yourself, that’s great. The more, the mega-er!
Contact us
We'd love to hear from everyone who has downloaded the Promoter Pack. You might need a few more tools to help your promotional activities. Simply give us a shout at fundraise@cfcs.org.uk and we'll be in touch.