The difference you made in 2023

Thanks to you, civil servants never have to cope alone.


times you helped

You helped civil servants 73,132 times in 2023. 


Cases responded to

We responded to 4,867 individual cases in 2023.



We spent £6.69 million supporting the Civil Service Community in 2023.

Picture of Frank - a gentleman in his 90s wearing a navy suit jacket, blue shirt and striped ti

It was the beginning of December and Frank and Iris were approaching their 70th wedding anniversary and they were determined to celebrate. Having met as teenagers they were inseparable. They were best friends and this party was going to celebrate 70 years of that.

The countdown to the big day had begun and Frank had come downstairs to make a cup of tea when he heard a thud on the stairs and found Iris unconscious. Iris had passed away from a heart attack and Frank's own heart never recovered.

He needed someone to talk to which was when he gave the Charity for Civil Servants a call. We were a listening ear for Frank when he needed us most. As well as giving emotional support, our help team talked about the practical side of bereavement. We were there to break things down, going one step at a time together.

Frank was also worried about paying for the funeral. As they didn't have enough money in savings to cover the expense, we were able to pay towards the funeral costs giving Frank the space to grieve without worrying about going into debt.

How you can make a difference

Your incredible festive fundraising will make a big difference to civil servants when life gets tough.


Could pay for the extra travel costs of visiting a partner or child in hospital


Could fund a couple's counselling sessions when they feel there are no more options


Could help someone who has fled domestic abuse with the basics to start up again

Are you ready to take part?