Tracy Norton

Mega Miles Challenge 2024

My Activity Tracking


My target 65 mi

Please support me!

I’m taking on the Mega Miles Challenge in support of the Charity for Civil Servants.

The Charity for Civil Servants supports current, former and retired civil servants when they face tough times.  From mental health struggles and financial assistance to relationship issues, getting through grief, and coping with disability, they’re here to help people stay strong, whatever life brings.

They’ve been there for civil servants for over 137 years, providing an umbrella of support when it’s needed most and so I'm fundraising to make sure they can be there for future generations too.

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My Updates

Going Cuckoo in Cliffe with fellow ramblers.

Sunday 19th May

Today we were up bright & early for our walk with my walking group to Cliffe Pools. My friend kindly picked us up as she fancied coming along too.  It was lovely & hot with blazing sunshine. We walked from St Helens church, along until we reached a walking path. It eventually joined to the start of the pools. Always a magnificent sight. I enjoyed seeing the wild flowers & butterflies that came by.  Sadly bird life was distinctively lacking. Only saw some greylag geese, mallard ducks, great crested grebes & a group of the bird catwalk queens, avocets. One fabulous new thing was hearing a cuckoo for the first time.  It’s haunting echo’s over the pools added a new spicy dynamic to the atmosphere. I expect at dawn or sunset it can be pretty eerie. Cuckoo calls are seemingly used in horror style films. After not quite two hours, our walk was over & our friend drove us the scenic route back home. 

Vintage buses, traction tractors & architecture galore

Sunday 19th May

Vintage buses, traction t

We arrived in Faversham to be greeted by a lady with a leaflet. I noted a vintage bus was due, so we duly waited at the station bus stop. We quickly saw vintage buses come by. The one we hoped for never showed up. It seems we later found out to be cancelled. A bus numbered 666 to Ashford rolled up (which seemed popular with the locals).  We could not believe someone would come up with such a number! We waited so long I got to a point where I said to my daughter we will get on any one that shows up. My loose ways got us treated to a lovely shiny red single decker. Ooh, it was dandy & red. Although only a short whirl about the town it was lovely.

We got off to explore the market & trundle through the town. Cake were purchased. We even landed up in the old market building from which I understand doesn’t open so readily to the public. I met a lady I knew from a poetry night. We were offered freebies & continued our venture along the town. We found a most lovely Poundland I have ever been in. Lovely because no hustle bustle I normally experience. It was tranquil!  Next I spied  a charity shop my mate recommended & bagged myself 3 dvd’s for a pound! I gushed at the cashier as I revelled in this. My daughter is less thrilled & wanted to get going. Next week come across remote control miniatures. My daughter has a bit of a naughty streak willing them to fall over.  Oh how it made her smile when they did! 

We viewed some vintage buses from the outside. One rather handsome specimen from open to hop on board.  Ooh, I got to feel the upholstery & absorb the whole experience!  Such joy.  I didn’t go giddy. I might of, if I didn’t have a sullen child in tow! Lol.

We departed & lured child down a quite path adjacent to a lovely church with glorious window arrangement to the side. We kept walking till we came to Faversham recreation ground. My daughter’s eyes lit up seeing the equipment on offer. I personally have sat in tons of parks over the years & this park had good equipment. We ate lunch & drank tea. Life was good. My urge was to next find the traction tractors!  Off we toured the back streets, came across a fine building next to Tesco’s, more old buses past us, till we found the creek.  It was a tad dried out. I would like to return to walk the creek path. The mega lovely spoonbills have been known to hang out here.  We hear the tractor & we ran like our lives depended on it! We crossed the bridge to get up close. My daughter said it stunk. I didn’t care. It is mighty fine engineering not seen every day.

A cafe my friend recommended had closed early much to my annoyance, so we trundled down a path to a splendid spired church, followed by admiring a mallard & drake duck sitting on a tall wall. More old neo gothic style buildings until we passed the old water tower to await our train back home. A lovely day in what I perceive to be a posh town. 

Orchids & splendid views 15.5.2024

Thursday 16th May
It's a lovely sunny day so after shopping with my best friend, I caught my chariot (aka bus) to Gillingham business park. It may seem an odd location but this is the most direct route to take me to Amberley Woods about 15 minutes into the estate. This was the same place I went very recently for the first time to see bluebells with my daughter. This time I walked solo with gusto. The woods were much illuminated with sunshine coming through the canopy & joyful bird song.  The remains of the faded bluebells setting seed.
I strolled through to the open path with magnificent views across the valley. As I trundled along getting distracted by this all encompassing view, I came across my first orchids, all vibrant & pink. Petite & appealing. I was thrilled. I went to a nearby bench to sit to rest & suddenly I see this bird with the biggest wingspan I have ever seen, swooping to & fro. I have later since discovered it was a buzzard. It was breathtaking. I walked & the Amberley Woods reserve turned into Darland Banks. I walked the perilous chalk paths, trying to spot more orchids. I didn't find any until I reached the steep narrow path leading out of Darland , where there were bountiful array of them, blazing in their cerise pink hues, wafting in the breeze. Definitely a walk I won't bore of any time soon.

Chair aerobics & Elderflower antics

Monday 13th May
Today I noticed a event called "Ready steady walk". I believed this to be a walk, so got myself ready & set off to the next town, Gillingham by foot. It is up hill all the way. After going over a foot bridge I saw an elderflower bush, so I stopped a few moments to pick the flowers & bagged them up. More on this later...ooh such a tease!! 😁 
I carried on walking then realised time was running away. I caught a bus to get me to the location faster. 
I arrived at the centre a couple of minutes late steered into a hall. I was utterly confused & no one appeared to be ready for walking. Sitting down with giant stretch bands was  going on! We did various stretches. The odd accidental ping of the bands occurred. Alas, I have experienced a class similar before in a church & we landed up with bands knotting our legs together. Shocking kinky stuff for church! 😂. Much more innocent this time. Once the class ended, I announced I had actually came for a walk. People laughed. The lady running the event apologised. It was amusing though. I got my steps in plus a exercise class too. Once I got home I cleaned my elderflowers so then I can steep them with lemons & boiled water to start the process of making elderflower cordial. My kitchen smells divine. I shall complete the process tomorrow. ☺️

12.5.24 Leybourne lakes, the return

Sunday 12th May
Yet another stunning day so decided to return to do the same walk I did on the 1st of May.  This time with confidence from Snodland station. Leybourne lakes were splendid although the birds seemed more quite as more people about. My daughter enjoyed frolics by water edge. We saw Canadian geese fly & land. Heard nightingales (much less this time). I caught sight of a reed warbler from a distance. Lovely crusty rolls for lunch & ventured to find the loos. Saw lots of plant life including bog iris, ragged robin. Ladybirds outlandishly cohabiting. We found a lovely secluded spot enroute back from loos. It was so lovely with a river/ stream going through. The dragonflies were everywhere. So were the mosquitos! Been bitten alive!! When we left we aimed for the cafe to get a ice cream & they had sold out!  Disgusted. Gemma drew my attention to the greylag geese which were so close up with their babies. It was adorable to see. We then walked with a detour to Tesco & bought a four pack of ice-cream. My daughter & I scoffed them all & arrived at New Hythe station in good time for our train back. Glorious day.

Fake Northern lights & night with Judy Dench, Gordon Ramsey & Ozzy

Sunday 12th May
Yesterday's walking involved a walk to town & back to get some essentials.  Later my walk entailed walking to Rochester.  I did try to cheat & opt for a ride on the train (I needed the loo!), but engineering works said, "come on girl, walk with your legs crossed to ye ole Rochester town".  It wasn't pleasant. I was busting.  It didn't make me walk any faster. 🤣. I arrived at the location for no one to be there. Sat there supping my J2o on my lonesome till my friends Emma & Jonathan arrived. I promptly got my Northern lights out (because the fact we missed it the night before, & we feel sad. Sooo sad about it. 😭). The open mic took a while to get started & Ozzy, Gordon & Judi came out to play. We had a absolute scream. My favourite tunes included one on trains with the line "I like them a lot". I did not feel the devotion as I actually feel when I see a old clunky train, & one I had no idea what it was called but had a loop pedal with flamenco style music. Lots of dancing in our seats, declaration of not matching & a right ole laugh. Great evening.

Cracked pots & nature rules

Wednesday 8th May
Attended a wellbeing workshop today in Rainham. She told us we were cracked pots & proceeded to give us a plastic one to take home. 🤣 It was rather bizarre. I took a ride one stop after lunch, arriving at a place called Gillingham & walked across the Great Lines. It is also known as the field of fire. I walked past our Naval war memorial which stands proud over the Medway towns then over the land which is known has Fort Amherst. Built to defend our dockyard. The views are incredible. Also you can see the river Medway winding centre of the landscape. I count myself lucky to have many beautiful spots close to where I live. Also particularly nice on this warm sunny day. 

Dragon scales & sweeps sour vibes

Sunday 5th May
Today to get some air, I caught a bus to Rochester. Walked though a somber high street with a sense that the zombie apocalypse was nigh. It was like a scene from the film Shaun of the Dead just before they arrived. The Morris dancers looked bored. People hurried aimlessly. I found where I was destined & greeted by my friend Wendy which brought light relief. I embossed some scales which will become part of a tactile dragon inside the cathedral. It was pleasant drawing & listen to the band play. Afterwards walked aimlessly home away from all the people people-ing. 11091 steps today. 5 days over 10k steps so far. 

One roams around Gillingham

Saturday 4th May
Today my walking adventure with my daughter commenced after having lunch. We ventured to the lower lines which is a park set on a former military placement. It is like a forgotten place with ditches. Afterwards ventured towards the river front up towards the strand. It started to rain. We ate ice cream trying to see for any bird life. None seen except a few geese. Achieved 14272 steps today. 

funny at the fort

Friday 3rd May
Another day at the office. Wet start to the day. Walked to & from work. Had a delicious steak dinner & walked to my local fort for a comedy night. 4 acts. Headliner was a hoot. Danny ward was his name. Walked home bagging myself just over 10k steps! 

Topsy turvy Thursday

Thursday 2nd May
Walking today entailed to & fro from work. Luckily today was dry after the apparent storms during the night.  After work off to my daughter's school for parents evening.  Afterwards as a rare treat went to get fish & chips & detoured via local cemetery mainly to see if any white squirrels were about.  Alas they were not.  I did see a cool grave stone with the inscription...

"The song has ended but the melody carries on."

Leybourne lakes walk

Wednesday 1st May
Lovely walk had from a place called Snodland in Kent. I quickly found Leybourne lakes & promptly heard my first ever nightingale!  It was amazing. Also some fantastic views. As with most recent walks I spotted a great crested grebe. As I reached the cafe at beyond halfway point, I had a cup of tea overlooking another lake & treated to greylag geese flying over with such splendour. Top notch walk & also warm enough not to need a jacket. Homebound via new Hythe station.

Thank you to my Sponsors



Proud of you Tracy. Keep up the good work 👏🏼


Louise O'grady


Satinder Kalsi



Well done for getting involved, Tracy. This is a great cause. Good luck!


David Self



Good luck Tracy xx



You can do this love ya nat


Alison Hillman


Patricia Downey


Andrea Wild





Thanks to Anne-Marie! X

Our Team

Christina Hughes

Raised so far:


Jacqueline Purver

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Jay pollard

Lucy Lanaghan

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Jose Rodriguez Barrera

Emily Sims

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Ashleigh Johnson

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Catherine Regan

Maxine Fasching

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Alison Smith

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Anna-Marie Johnson

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Lauren Burgess

Pedro Pascal (C)

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Theresa Gallagher

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Stacey Graves

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Susan McNamara

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Cheryl Davies

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Stuart Wiltshire

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Francesca Davies

Raised so far:


Surya Manduri

James Jenkins

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Antony Giannoccaro

Suzanne Williams

Raised so far:


Tracy Norton

Raised so far:


David Weston

Caitlin Davidson

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Sally Wagstaff

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Hilary Jeffrey

Ann Greer

Louise megretton

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Lynne Coppendale

Megan Lacey

Simon Thornton

Lauren Scott

Alexander King

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Jasmin Racsa

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Helen Strother

Rebeca Jones

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Mala Shah

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Beverley Eagles

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Romy Hirst

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Joanne Hewlett

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Shelley Argent

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Zoe Bilverstone

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Anita Glover

Faye Benning

Colin Pownall

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Emma Arnold

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John Bradley

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Pete Ladley

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Scott Davies

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Katie Smith

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Sabrina Fatima Nur-Muhammad

Shital Kumari

Katie Dale

Melanie Gelling

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Gregory Lukas

Kathryn Taylor

Holly Thornton

Debbie Copper

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Fiona McKenzie

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Lauren Wilkinson

Paul Darlington

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Lesley Loftus

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Suki Dhaliwal

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L. Raymond Rodriguez

oliver lane

Raised so far:


Mary Baldwin

Shamira Monero

Raised so far:


Rebecca Porter

Tony Vasir

Joanne Gelling

Stephen Jellis

Eva Emmerson

Beth Connaughton

Kerry Kallaghan

Jacob Joy

Muhammad Naqvi

David Scaum

Richard Scott

Caroline Meachen

Raised so far:


Rebecca Leanne Hedges

Raised so far:


Alix McDonald

Erica Fergus

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Raised so far:


Roslean Hussain

Raised so far:


Lizzie Alicia

Raised so far:


Christine Crozier

Emma France

Jessica Debel

Anastasia Goodridge-Dyson

Jo Canfield

Faye Mcallister

Sophie Taylor

Stevo Duke

Raised so far:


Rebecca Hurcombe

Samantha Potter

Lisa Campion

Lisa Campion

Sara Finn

Ben Davies

Sharon de Oliveira

Raised so far:


Emma Newbould

Lynsey Oakley