Emma Humphrey

Mega Miles Challenge 2024

My Activity Tracking


My target 35 mi

Please support me!

I’m taking on the Mega Miles Challenge in support of the Charity for Civil Servants.

The Charity for Civil Servants supports current, former and retired civil servants when they face tough times.  From mental health struggles and financial assistance to relationship issues, getting through grief, and coping with disability, they’re here to help people stay strong, whatever life brings.

They’ve been there for civil servants for over 137 years, providing an umbrella of support when it’s needed most and so I'm fundraising to make sure they can be there for future generations too.

My Achievements

Uploaded a profile picture

Shared your fundraising page

Made a self-donation

Reached 50% of your distance target

You're a MEGA walker

Reached 50% of fundraising target

Reached 90% of fundraising target

You're a MEGA fundraiser

My Updates

I did it!!! 35 miles complete!

Friday 31st May
Woohoo! yay me! I've actually done it, completed 35 miles by doing a combination of using my exercise bike for 5k's and walking. Really proud of myself for doing the challenge and sticking to it! 
Now I need to push you kind people for sponsorships/donations. I've reached £30 of my £100 target, £50 gets me a lanyard! Don't forget the support you're giving to the Charity for Civil Servants and the help your donations will be for other civil servants in need. 
Thank you in advance!!!

Final few days

Tuesday 28th May
Well I'm down to the final few days and can say I've actually enjoyed the challenge! I like that I've been able to get back on my exercise bike to complete some longer miles, as well as the mile and a bit walk home from the bus when I'm on my way back from the office. 
If you've not sponsored me yet and would like to, there's a few days left to get your donation in, just follow the link. I'm trying to raise £100 so the more donations the better!
Thank in advance!! see you at the finish!

quick catch up

Wednesday 22nd May
finally got around to adding in my activity from the last few days. Finally found a route to walk home from the bus that I'm fairly happy with and discovered yesterday, I can make it home walking from my drop off point in the same time it took the bus to get to where I live (around 20-25 minutes). Couldn't get back quicker unless I had wheels on my feet! I walk at a decent speed, one that's comfortable for me to maintain over distance and includes the slight inclines of the roads I'm heading along. Not many more miles to go by the end of next week, on the final push now. Wish me luck and thank you in advance for all my sponsorships!! Meet you at the finish line!

21 Miles done, 14 to go to meet my target

Wednesday 15th May
Wow! I've actually done 21 miles of my 35 mile target, with another 16 days to go of the month. If I go over my target, I don't mind, this is as much about challenging myself as it is about raising money for the charity. 
Thank you so much to those who've sponsored me so far, I hope I'm doing you proud. 
I never thought I would enjoy getting back into exercise with any kind of regularity, but I find i like using my exercise bike, doing 5k on that feels good for me, and is comfortable to do regularly. I hope to keep up the rides going forwards, even if I lapse on the walks a little, but I'm enjoying the walks as well so we'll see. 

Got a little carried away

Monday 13th May
Well I'm impressed with myself - 7.5k ride on my exercise bike towards my total for this challenge - got slightly ahead of myself - was cycling to music (as you do)...onwards and upwards.

How come I didn't know where I was?

Wednesday 8th May
Oh good grief, I've only lived in Clifton for ooh 14-15 years give or take a month. So how come I didn't have the foggiest where I was going when taking my walk home?? Answer is, I'm usually in my car tootling along up the A453 and left at the Crusader island at which point I'm about 30 seconds from home and don't have to think about it. The last time I walked to the supermarket, I endured some outrageous stares from drivers as I plodded my way along the pavement towards the ESSO garage and up Green Lane, it never occurred to me that there was a different route to be had through another part of the estate as I just don't go there, I don't normally have a reason to. So, when i first attempted my shortcut walk home from work yesterday (Tuesday), I got so far down a road I hadn't walked down before, somehow getting a brain fog and not realising that I did know the road I'd seen the name of, and in a tizzy, I turned around, braved the confused looks of local residents who must've wondered what on earth I was doing, and went back the way I'd come so I could get back onto familiar ground. Google maps is fabulous for acting like hindsight to boot your butt. If only I'd have cottoned on to where I was and realised how close I actually was to home at that point (I might've cried!). I'm glad I know now though, even if it was worth the extra couple of hundred steps it took me to retrace my steps. I freely admit, if I don't have a reason to go to a place, I don't do it - for goodness sake nobody ask me for directions to any old random street, you could end up in Birmingham by mistake 😂

First time on the exercise bike in years

Monday 6th May
Morning folks, Yes you read the title right, I'm interspersing my walks with some judicious use of my exercise bike, something I haven't used in a few years. 
Since I've lost more than a few pounds since I last used it (around 5 1/2 stones lost so far thanks very much), I felt really comfortable cycling 5k. I plan to keep my cycling to 5k so I don't overdo it, but can maintain the distance easily.  
I plan to keep this up 3 times a week, to take into account my working from home days when I might not feel like going for a walk. 
Wish me luck, I'll catch up again next week.

Preparations are afoot (no pun intended)

Friday 26th Apr
I've been planning ahead to see what actions I can take to get as close to my goal of 35 miles as I can, including planning a route to walk back from work when I'm in the office. Not the whole way home, but most of the way through Clifton. 
Wish me luck!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Caroline Bushu


Nana Akoto

Best of luck Emma!


Sarah Kelley

Come on Emma! You've got this 💖 so very proud of you xx




Oly Bunn



good luck


Sharon Naylor


Tracy Marsden

Well done




Kirstie Horton

Well done Emma


Emma Humphrey


James May

Well done on completing your challenge